Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bug 4909 Trap handlers should not be re-enterable?

From [ruby-dev:43852] trapハンドラは再入されてはいけないのではないか?

Ticket in redmine

Kosaki said, the following code shouldn't raise any Exception.

n = 0
intrap = 0

parent = $$

trap(:USR1) {
  if intrap == 1
    raise "trap nested"
  intrap = 1
  10000.times {
    n += 1
  intrap = 0

fork do
 Process.kill(:USR1, parent) while true

sleep 100

Problems are:

  • You can raise stack overflow by throwing signal continuous (like this program).
  • There is no signal blocking method; like sigprocmask() in ruby level, so we can't write good signal handlers in ruby.

He also said that C masks signal during running signal handler, so MRI should make same consideration as C.

Feature 4891 Vector#normalize

From [ruby-dev:43829] Vector#normalize

Ticket in redmine

Patch (by mrkn)

mrkn suggested new method Vector#normalize to normalize Vector.

Lafortune will be import this method.

Is there feature freeze to release 1.9.3? I think no announce exists about freezing.

[Bug 4444] Errors at test_parallel.rb on Windows platform

Ticket in redmine

Now windows can run make test-all parallel. thanks usa.

[ruby-list:48190] [ANN]RubyKaigi2011 1st day night "YamiRubyKaigi2011" information and call for proposals

From [ruby-list:48190] [ANN]日本Ruby会議2011 1日目夜「闇RubyKaigi2011」開催情報とスピーカー募集のお知らせ

Related link (Japanese)

"YamiRubyKaigi2011" will hold at RubyKaigi2011 1st day night.

RubyKaigi2011 attendees can attend this event too.
And YamiRubyKaigi2011 has limited special attending campaign. RubyKaigi2011 executive committee will announce that.

Information page (Japanese):

RubyKaigi 1st day night; 7/16(Sat) 20:00-21:30 (JST)

YamiRubyKaigi2011 also wants speakers.

CFP description is here: (Japanese)

Theme: Anything about Ruby

Time: 3min-5min

This is last chance to talk in RubyKaigi2011.

You can apply to this event as speaker before RubyKaigi2011 or at RubyKaigi2011 first day (detail will be announced at place!)

Tip: Yami (闇) means darkness in Japanese.

Note: This page is not official announce.


Feature 4907 enumerable#permutation and combination

From [ruby-core:37231] enumerable#permutation and combination

Ticket in Redmine



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